
Cycle of Meetings - EuGeStA Project: Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship

ONLINE (VIA ufmg e Lille)

We are pleased to announce the first session of the Cycle of Meetings organized by the  EuGeStA Project: Gender Studies and Classical Scholarship.
Each session will last 1h20 (extended to 1h30 min, if necessary) and will include two publications presented by the authors and/or organizers.
Zoom Link:  to access, fill the google form (until March 2)  https://forms.gle/6o7BfMX9Wzs2GQt1A

Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Maria Cecília de Miranda N. Coelho


Link: https://ufmg.br/comunicacao/eventos/ciclo-organizado-por-professora-da-fafich-vai-tratar-de-estudos-classicos-e-de-genero