
Mind Brazil Workshop 2018: David Chalmers

SESI Cultural Center Yves Alves R. Direita, 168 - Centro, Tiradentes - MG, 36325-000, Brazil


Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei

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Descrição Resumida

The Mind Brazil International Workshop aims at establishing itself as a regular biannual top international event in philosophy of mind in Brazil. Each edition pays homage to an outstanding international keynote speaker who is invited to discuss her or his work with a handful of distinguished international debaters and a selected group of Brazilian researchers in the field. The event is designed to promote in depth and high quality philosophical debates about the work of the invited keynote speakers.

At its first edition, Mind Brazil is proud to announce the Australian philosopher David Chalmers as its keynote speaker. Together with a selected group of international and Brazilian peers, Prof. Chalmers will discuss his polemical and worldwide debated philosophical work.

The event is hosted by the Mind research group at the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), Brazil
