
Parábolas e Cérebros


Parábolas e Cérebros

7 de Julho de 2022, 11:00 (Horário de Brasília).

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Palestrante: Andrew Pinsent (University of Oxford, UK) 

Moderador: Fábio Bertato (University of Campinas, Brazil)

*O e evento será inteiramente em inglês:

Why did Jesus teach so much in parables? These parables usually have clear explanations but why not simply teach the explanations, given the risk of misinterpretation? In this presentation, I share new insights from neuroscience that have highlighted the ancient distinction between knowledge and understanding (intellectus/nous), a distinction that is at the heart of so many challenges to Artificial Intelligence. I further argue that understanding is communicated in a privileged manner by means of metaphor and narrative. On this account, parables are not merely convenient but may be indispensable for offering the understanding upon which knowledge and wisdom are based.

Link: https://www.logicandreligion.com/webinars