Archai: As Origens do Pensamento Ocidental

Archai: Journal on the origins of Ancient Thought is published three times a year by Archai UNESCO Chair (University of Brasilia, Brazil).

It is published in Brazil (University of Brasília/Annablume) and in Portugal (Coimbra University Press, IUC), both printed and electronic free online access.

All manuscripts will undergo blind-review by peers.

Archai Journal is committed to a speedy and author-friendly review process; Authors can expect to receive notification the editorial decision within four months.

It is indexed by Web of Science - ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SciELO, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus), L’Année Philologique, Philosopher‘s Index, DOAJ, Phil Brasil, Latindex, Cengage Learning, Google Schoolar, BASE, Diadorim, PKP Index and Portal de Periódicos da CAPES. It has Impact Factor 5.171 in the Scientific Journal Impact Factor and it got the second best grade (A2) of its field (Philosophy) in the latest Qualis CAPES evaluation.

nº1 (july, 2008)

From the city to the desert: The formation of the area of Hermit

Pedro Ipiranga Júnior

Athanasius,lives of saints,biography in Antiq

Presiganga, a galley in the Tropics

Paloma Siqueira Fonseca

prison ship,forced labor,corporal punishment

The myths’ exegesis in Plotinus and Porphyre

Loraine Oliveira


Olympia and the Olympieia: the origin and the dissemination of Olympian Zeus´ cult in Greece in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.

Lilian de Angelo Laky

Olympian Zeus,Olympia,Olympieion

Porphyry and Daniel 7: academic discussions between Maurice Casey and Arthur Ferch

Lilian Chaves Maluf

Apocalyptic literature,late Antiquity

The ontology as the privileged horizon of Plato’s thought

Izabela Bocayuva


The polis and the marvelous in the narrative of Herodotus

Flávia Lemos Mota de Azevedo

Exotic,Herodotus,political organization,democ

The derealization of the old city in the ideal city

Erika Bataglia da Costa

Ancient city,Plato,Justice,Republic

Nature and politics in the Roman stoicism: about the vivere naturae and the constitution of cosmopolis in Seneca’s thought

Carlos Renato Moiteiro

Stoicism,Nature,Political community

Justice and prudence in the polis: some reflexions on the digression of the Theaetetus

Anderson de Paula Borges


Morcillo, Marta García. Las ventas por subasta en el mundo romano: la esfera privada. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, 2005, 372 pp. isbn 8447530175.

Pedro Paulo A. Funari