Archai: As Origens do Pensamento Ocidental

Archai: Journal on the origins of Ancient Thought is published three times a year by Archai UNESCO Chair (University of Brasilia, Brazil).

It is published in Brazil (University of Brasília/Annablume) and in Portugal (Coimbra University Press, IUC), both printed and electronic free online access.

All manuscripts will undergo blind-review by peers.

Archai Journal is committed to a speedy and author-friendly review process; Authors can expect to receive notification the editorial decision within four months.

It is indexed by Web of Science - ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index), SciELO, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH Plus), L’Année Philologique, Philosopher‘s Index, DOAJ, Phil Brasil, Latindex, Cengage Learning, Google Schoolar, BASE, Diadorim, PKP Index and Portal de Periódicos da CAPES. It has Impact Factor 5.171 in the Scientific Journal Impact Factor and it got the second best grade (A2) of its field (Philosophy) in the latest Qualis CAPES evaluation.

n 18 (september, 2016)

Submission Guidelines

Ália Rodrigues

Directrizes para Autores

Ália Rodrigues

Pinheiro, P. (2015). Aristóteles. Poética. Edição bilíngue. Tradução, Introdução e Notas. São Paulo, Editora 34

Irley Fernandes Franco

Grethlein, J. (2013). Experience and Teleology in Ancient Historiography. ‘Futures Past’ from Herodotus to Augustine. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

César Sierra-Martín

Long, A. A. (2015). Greek Models of Mind and Self. Cambridge (MA), London, Harvard University Press

Pedro Proscurcin Junior

Walbridge, J. (2014). The Alexandrian Epitomes of Galen. vol.1 A parallel English-Arabic text translated, introduced, and annotated. Utah, Brigham Young University Press

Rodrigo Pinto de Brito

Atopia em Pierre Hadot (parte 1)

George Matias de Almeida Júnior

atopia,Socrates,Pierre Hadot,personality,ways

A figura de Sócrates segundo Pierre Hadot

Loraine Oliveira

Silenus, Eros,irony,maieutics,way of life

Pierre Hadot (1922‑2010), In memoriam

Philippe Hoffmann

Ancient Philosophy,Late Antiquity,Stoicism,Ne

Dossiê Pierre Hadot: a filosofia como modo de vida

Loraine Oliveira

As chamadas doutrinas não‑escritas de Platão: algumas anotações sobre a historiografia do problema desde as origens até nossos dias

Rodolfo Lopes, Gabriele Cornelli

Plato,unwritten doctrines

Platón contra el naturalismo: la dialéctica escalonada del Crátilo

Pilar Spangenberg

Johann J. Winckelmann e Aby Warburg: diferentes olhares sobre o antigo e seus tempi

Vera Marisa Pugliese de Castro

Proagogeia, mastropeia, promnestria: mayéutica y paideia erótica en los diálogos Socráticos

Francesca Pentassuglio

Enti Inesistenti: phantasmata in Platone

Barbara Botter

Imagine (εἴδωλον),apparent image (φάντασμα),u

A Origem do Paradigma Desenvolvimentista de Interpretação dos Diálogos de Platão

Renato Matoso


A reminiscência no Fédon

Giovanni Casertano

Plato,Phaedo,anamnesis (reminiscence),knowled


Gabriele Cornelli (Editor-in-Chief)