Syntactic and semantic aspects in the expression of a thesis by Anaximander of Miletus

Ano 10 n°20 2018 • Argumentos: Revista de Filosofia (UFC)

Autor: Miguel Lopez-Astorga


Nowadays, there is an interesting controversy about the factors or elements that are more important in the human mind. In this way, while certain frameworks claim that the intellectual activity is mainly syntactic, other approaches insist that our mind basically takes semantic representations into account. There is no doubt that this discussion can make sense in cognitive science and in the studies on human reasoning. However, the essential aim of this paper is to show that this debate is irrelevant from the linguistic point of view, since even very abstract and complex ideas can be captured by means of both syntactic forms and semantic models, with the possibility of identifying clear relationships between such forms and models too. This last point is supported with arguments based on the thesis about infinity by Anaximander of Miletus, which is used as an example.

ISSN: 19844255

Texto Completo:

Palavras-Chave: Anaximander of Miletus. Infinity. linguistic expression. Semantics. Syntax.

Argumentos: Revista de Filosofia (UFC)

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