Revisiting Hobbes: on freedom, political authority and civil disobedience

Aufklärung v. 5, n. 2 (2018) • Aufklärung - Revista de Filosofia

Autor: Marta Nunes da Costa


This paper has two main sections. First, I argue that Hobbes was capable of providing a convincing model of political authority that strengthened the absolutist monarchy, due to two main factors: on the one hand, Hobbes’ conceptualization of freedom, which allowed him to offer a new light upon the relationship between obedience, obligation, freedom and servitude; on the other hand, Hobbes’ redefinition of sovereignty via the concept of representation. I show how Hobbes was aware of the intrinsic tension derived from the attempted convergence of these two distinct logics and I question the kinds of political rupture that are possible under Hobbes’ design, in such a way that would keep a democratic instinct and impulse in political life. After I revisit the relationship between freedom, power and civil disobedience, by looking at the relationship between the sovereign’s and the subjects’ capacity of judgment and by reflecting upon contemporary democratic challenges.


Texto Completo:

Palavras-Chave: dominion, freedom,Hobbes, political authority

Aufklärung - Revista de Filosofia

Aufklärung, revista de filosofia (Qualis B1, DOI 10.18012/ARF) tem foco na publicação de artigos na área de filosofia, ou que sejam relevantes para a pesquisa em filosofia.