Exploring the relation between literary works and reader reception: implications for moral reflection

vol. 29, n. 2 (2024) • Philósophos: Revista de Filosofia - Revista UFG

Autor: Rafael Carneiro Rocha


How can we, perspicuously, explain the relation between a literary text and its interpretation by a reader in a way that supports the hypothesis that literature matters for moral reflection? In this article, based on a critical examination of some anglophone authors, who are more or less engaged in investigations related to the analytic philosophy of language, and who address the relation between philosophy and literature, we propose a distinction between two types of relations: the relation between the literary work and its reception by a reader, and the empirical relation between the reception of the literary work and changes in the reader. For advances in moral reflection, this relation may not be an empirical one. Therefore, we propose a form of explanation for the relation between literary work and its reception by a reader, involving the writer and their literary work, the reader and their interpretative role, and the shared background between writer and reader.

ISSN: 1982-2928

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5216/phi.v29i2.80150

Texto Completo: https://revistas.ufg.br/philosophos/article/view/80150

Palavras-Chave: Moral reflection, philosophy of language, narrative, literature.

Philósophos: Revista de Filosofia - Revista UFG

A Revista Philósophos publicou seu primeiro exemplar em 1996. Desde então temos tido como objetivo publicar material bibliográfico inédito e argumentativo na área de filosofia e promover o debate filosófico. Os trabalhos publicados pela Philósophos são sempre de autores dedicados a Pesquisa em Filosofia e que sejam doutores nessa área no Brasil e no exterior. A publicação é semestral, sob a responsabilidade da Faculdade de Filosofia (FAFIL) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Goiás. A submissão dos artigos deve ser feita em resposta a chamadas temáticas divulgadas pela revista.