Principia: an international journal of epistemology
"Principia: an international journal of epistemology" was founded in 1997 and regularly publishes articles, discussions and review. The journal aims to publish original scholarly work especially in epistemology area , with an emphasis on material of general interest to academic philosophers. Originally published only in print version (ISSN: 1414-4247), in 2005 the journal began to be published also in online version (ISSN: 1808-1711). Since 1999 are published three issues per year: in April, August and December. Qualis CAPES: A2
Vol 17, No 3 (2013)
Putnam, ética e biologia
Charles Feldhaus
Realismo cognitivo, naturalismo e pragmatismo ético: a estrutura normativa das “formas de vida” segundo Habermas e Putnam
Erick Lima
Kuhn e a racionalidade da escolha científica
Eros Moreira de Carvalho
Algunas observaciones sobre Putnam y la justificación racional
Pablo Melogno
Species are lineages of micro-evolutionary interconnected populations: a better delimitation of the evolutionary concept of species
Gustavo Caponi
The Asymmetry Between the Practical and the Epistemic: Arguing Against the Control-View
André J. Abath, Leonardo de Mello Ribeiro
Eventos Quânticos e Reducionismo Causal
Osvaldo Pessoa Jr.
Modelos, Idealizaciones y Ficciones: uma crítica del ficcionalismo
Alejandro Cassini